Have you checked-in yet?

In June 2022, Release 2 of the SIT – Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package was endorsed and released.
Don’t be late for boarding and take off – it’s time now to work through the SIT qualifications on your RTO scope of registration and determine what changes are required.
Getting ready for take off – go to training.gov.au and download the SIT Companion Volume Implementation Guide Release 2.0. Take the time to read about industry trends and issues and learn more about the resources and equipment required, work through the guidance for using simulated environments for assessment and most importantly – look at the updated Assessor requirements.
Mid flight – look at the mapping information – are the old units you’ve been delivering equivalent to the new units, and what are the packaging rules for the new qualifications.
Don’t hit turbulence – There are many units in the SIT Training Package that now give clear guidelines on the industry requirements for assessors. Look carefully at the assessment conditions for every unit, as the requirements for assessors have been determined on a unit by unit basis. Assessor requirements will include the requirement for assessors to satisfy the Standards for RTOs requirements for assessors and to also have achieved a particular hospitality qualification or hold a trade certificate as a cook or chef or equivalent AND as well as having gained the relevant qualification – have worked in industry for at least three years where they have applied the skills and knowledge of this unit of competency.
Don’t risk thinking you have suitable assessors – and then find out they don’t meet the three years working in industry.
Currency in both the vocational competence (the units you are training and assessing) and industry knowledge and skills ensures your trainers and assessors will have up-to-date workplace practices.
Full steam ahead – Did you know that the tourism sector directly employed 666,000 workers in 2018/19 and represented approximately 3% of Australia’s Gross Domestic Product.
SKILLSIQ and the Industry Reference Committee responsible for the redevelopment of the SIT Training Package confirm that it is important for the sector to grow the tourism and hospitality workforce for the future.
There’s been rocky times over the last 3 years, with the impact of COVID, lack of international travellers and international students, and as we move to a new normal, the new training products will reflect the skills and knowledge needs of employers and workers.
Safe landing – Good planning reduces the risk of something going wrong. On the 3rd October 2022, ASQA approved an extended transition period for qualifications in the SIT Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package. The extended training, assessment and certification issuance period for a number of older qualifications now ends on 31 January 2024. This gives RTOs the time to plan and develop training resources and assessments for the new qualifications and to ensure that all trainers and assessors meet the requirements of the new qualifications. For more details refer to : https://www.asqa.gov.au/news-events/news/extended-transition-period-qualifications-sit-tourism-travel-and-hospitality-training-package
How can Blueprint help you?
The easiest way is for your school to partner with us to run your Hospitality Program, here are a few of the many benefits-
- We do all the marking for your teachers
- We provide all your professional development activities to keep you current
- We provide all training and assessment resources
- Our trainers and assessors are industry current and will visit your school frequently
- We pride ourselves on excellent customer service
- We offer complimentary TAE and Hospitality upgrades to partnered schools
- Why do it yourself, when you can let the experts do the heavy lifting?
We are taking enquiries for our Hospitality Program and how it can be trained in your school in readiness for the 2023 school year. Call today.
Happy updating your SIT training package.
Jenny Field
Senior VET Trainer and Assessor