Do your TAE40116 now, here is why

Been hearing whispers of an upgrade to the TAE40116 program? Well, the rumours are true, it’s happening, it’s a fact. The new TAE40122 draft (which arrived in our inboxes on May 2, 2022) is in the public review process and is due for release in December of this year if all goes according to plan.
The new qualification – TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment – will be the entry-level vocational teacher, trainer, and assessor requirement. It supersedes and is equivalent to TAE40116. All advice from the Skills Service Organisation and the Industry Reference Committee, proposes that those who hold the TAE40116 will still meet the requirements for Trainers and Assessors under the Standards for RTOs.
The new qualification is a successor to TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
So, what’s different?
The new qualification is proposed to have some big changes that include a rework of the packaging rules. The current TAE40116 has 10 units of competency (9 core and 1 elective) while the new TAE40122 qualification has 12 units (7 core and 5 electives units).
The advantages in the changes to the packaging rules is the flexibility to specialise in areas depending on your job role in your RTO and VET sector, e.g., training and assessing, administration, design, learning support, etc. You may now have the option of doing units which could be more relevant to your role.
A key change (proposed) is that the unit TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools is removed as a core unit. This change reflects what happens in most RTOs, where the development of the tools and instruments is done by specialist or senior trainers, not by the person who has just joined the RTO or just gained their TAE. There won’t be too much disappointment over that change.
In addition, we have a new core unit, and some of the other units have been updated and no longer equivalent to their predecessors. This only adds to the complexity of the upgrade process.
I have my TAE40110 (plus TAEASS502 and TAELLN411) already, so how does this affect me?
Well, while it is proposed that TAE40122 will be equivalent to TAE40116, the same cannot be said for TAE40110. Trainers holding the older qualification (TAE40110) may find themselves non-compliant and unable to train, deliver, and assess without going through a major upgrade tantamount to doing the full course, either via delivery and assessment, or RPL mode.
Bear in mind that if you only completed TAEASS502 and TAELLN411 so you could maintain compliance to the Standards for RTOs 2015 and continue to train and assess, you did not actually upgrade to TAE40116. There is further “gap” training required to be awarded the TAE40116. By not doing this gap training or assessment you may encounter some delays and challenges when you decide to upgrade to TAE40122.
Worst case? You may need to do the new course, i.e., TAE40122, in full as you missed the opportunity to do the upgrade.
The good news
Yes, there is good news. You still have time to complete the TAE40110 to TAE40116 upgrade before TAE40122 is endorsed and the transition period has expired.
Where to from here?
Whilst we do not know for certain about the equivalent of the current and new qualification and won’t until its official endorsement and release later this year, we strongly advocate that you complete your TAE40116 now, then at some stage when or if required, upgrade to TAE40122 in 2023 during the transition period (usually 12 months).
Locking it in now will make the transition to the newer program much smoother, especially if you wish to continue to assess in your industry.
Remember, staying current is a requirement based on the Standards for RTOs 2015.
There is a significant amount of proposed change and as leaders in TAE, we want to keep you informed and help make this journey easy and compliant.
For more information on TAE options, please call our trained staff and discuss -
- How to sign up for our TAE40116 upgrade asap
- How to book in for the whole TAE40116 qualification via face to face or online (via Zoom)
- OR have your say on proposed TAE22 changes (until 30th May 2022) by following this link and completing the PwC survey
We are here to help and make your TAE journey seamless. We look forward to speaking with you.
TAE Blueprint Team